We started our business to offer products to household owners that like natural reusable products but don’t have the time to create their own.

I started to make natural reusable products in 2012 including cloth napkins, cloth diapers, cold processed lye soap for our household to save money, live a healthy natural lifestyle, and be financially independent where I do not depend on an employer to put food on the table for my children.

After making some natural products for our household uses for a few years, I decided to start selling them as well.

Our business Nina’s Soap was born in 2014 offering home and living natural products.

From natural reusable products, our business continues to grow to include other products we use in our household to reach our financial independence. This includes digital downloads of templates we use to successfully manage our household finances and our business. As our children grow and become conscious about what they wear, to help them believe in themselves and have good self-esteem, our business expanded to include custom apparel and accessories made with natural fibers.

Our children sometimes make their own graphic designs for their clothing while they discover their natural abilities, practice their creative skills, and learn entrepreneurship.

Nina’s Soap is a brand of Liberman Consulting L.L.C. located in Iowa.

We have 4 online stores and one blog website including:

https://liberdownload.com launched in 2021 to offer digital downloads you can use to successfully manage your personal finances and your business.

https://liberlabel.com/ for apparel and accessories

https://liberoutlet.com/ for supplies

https://ninasoap.com/ since 2014 for blog articles and free downloads to manage your finances and your business.
We thank you very much!